PRAXIS Pavilion 2023

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We were delighted to welcome many visitors to the BENDSCAPE pavilion during the Angewandte Festival. It was an honor to have distinguished guests, including the new Rector of the University of Applied Arts Vienna, Rektorin Dr. Petra Schaper Rinkel; the Dean of the Institute of Architecture, Assoc. Prof. Baerbel Mueller; and the new Professor of Studio 3 at the IOA, Prof. Sam Jacob, join us at the event.

A special thank you to Franz Sam for his invaluable support of the students throughout the semester and for his participation in several key events.

We extend our heartfelt appreciation to Dean Baerbel Mueller for her unwavering support of the project throughout the year.

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Who Visited BENDSCAPE - PRAXIS Pavilion 2023


June 27-30 , 2023


Vienna, Austria


Steingarten, OKP2.0, Angewandte Kunst